艺术家介绍 Artist

1962年生于江西,现任景德镇陶瓷大学党委副书记、副校长(主持工作),中央美术学院教授、博士生导师。中国城市雕塑协会副主席;中国美术家协会理事、国家重大题材美术创作艺委会委员;中国美协雕塑艺术委会副主任、秘书长;全国城市雕塑指导委员会艺委会委员副主任;中国雕塑学会副会长;北京美术家协会理事、雕塑艺委会副主任;中国艺术研究院中国雕塑院特聘雕塑家;中国国家画院雕塑院特聘雕塑家;联合国教科文组织 国际陶瓷协会(IAC)会员。1993年起享受国务院“政府津贴”;教育部新世纪优秀人才。


2020.11.13《埴象-吕品昌艺术30年》巡展 景德镇陶溪川美术馆
2020.10.17《埴象-吕品昌艺术30年》个展 中央美术学院美术馆
2019.9月作品《璧》第十四届巴西 库里蒂巴国际当代艺术双年展
2019.9月作品《捆绑的形体》‘人与自然’中国 郑州国际雕塑展。
2018年11月《太空计划》参加“悉尼海岸雕塑展” 悉尼邦迪
2017年 《沙滩三杰》“多彩贵州“双百”创作工程精品展” 中国美术馆
2017年《文明的回响—中华匠作展》 太庙美术馆
2016年《’志合山海’中国当代陶艺展》 厄瓜多尔 基多文化中心
2016年《共生共荣-中国当代雕塑邀请展》 中国美术馆
2016年《’推衍’中国当代陶艺学术邀请展》 央美陶溪川美术馆
2016年《建党95周年 全国美术作品展》 中国国家博物馆
2015年《新态 2015太原国际雕塑双年展》 太原美术馆
2014年《第十二届全国美术作品展》 太原美术馆
2014年《中国与挪威:作为陶瓷媒介的‘形制之上’》 挪威奥斯陆
2013年《中央美术学院教师创作特展》 中央美术学院美术馆
2013年《延伸 2013大同国际雕塑双年展》 山西大同和阳美术馆
2013年《韩国清州国际艺术双年展》 韩国清州
2013年《从卡塞尔归来 漳州国际公共艺术展》 福建漳州
2012年《中国当代雕塑展巡迴展》 法国巴黎 卢浮宫
2012年《纸非纸-中日纸艺术展第一回》 中央美院美术馆
2011年《大同国际雕塑双年展》 山西大同和阳美术馆
2010年「新中国城市雕塑建设成就奖作品展」 北京中国美术馆
2008年《中国意象-中国雕塑院作品展》 长春
2007年《东方—中韩当代艺术展》 北京中华世纪坛
2007年《中国长白山国际雕塑创作营展》 吉林长白山
2006年《2006韩国斧山国际雕塑双年展》 韩国斧山
2005年《雕塑百年-中国雕塑艺术展》 上海
2003年《开放的时代——中国当代美术作品展》 北京
2003年《北京国际美术双年展?十大美术院校教师作品展》 北京
2002年《美国阿其布瑞艺术基金会年度纪念展》 美国

《埴象-吕品昌艺术30年》 2020年 湖南美术出版社
《辉煌70年-中国雕塑全集》 2019年 河北美术出版社
《雕塑之道-学术论文集》2018年 中国摄影出版社出版
《中国当代陶艺》、画册 1998年 吉林美术出版社
《西方现代雕塑》、画册 1996年 江西美术出版社
《世界浮雕艺术》画册2002年 江西美术出版社
《陶艺》中央美术学院雕塑系基础教材 2007年 河北教育出版社
《陶艺?当代雕塑》2011年 《文化艺术》出版社
《陶艺?中国》 2015年 北京工艺美术出版社

2017年 作品“沙滩三杰”入选贵州重大历史题材美术创作展并获优秀作品奖。
2013 获中国陶瓷协会“中国陶瓷艺术教育和发展杰出贡献奖”
2009 获全国城市雕塑指导委员会 中国城市雕塑“徐悲鸿奖” 获建设部、文化部
2008年 获中央美术学院艺术人文科学三十年 优秀奖
2007年 《和而不同-中国当代雕塑展》 优秀作品奖
2006年 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人材计划”
1997年 获美术文献提名奖
2003年 获北京国际美术双年展学术优秀奖
1998年 获北京《纪念中国抗日战争胜利55周年美术展》金奖
1993获国家体委、美协《第三届全国体育美展》金奖。 获国家教委"全国优秀教师奖章"


Curriculum Vitae

Lu Pinchang(b.1962/Jiangxi Province, P.R.China) currently the President of Jingdezhen Ceramic University, professor and Ph.D supervisor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Chinese Urban Sculpture Artists Association, Director of China Artists Association, the member of National Major Theme Art Creation Committee, Deputy Director and Secretary-General of the Sculpture Art Committee of the China Artists Association, Vice President of the China Sculpture Institute, He is the member of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC). He has been granted with the "Government Expert Allowance" of the State Council since 1993 and has been selected as one of the New Century Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education. From 1995 to September 2020, he served as Deputy Director and Secretary-General of the Ceramic Art Committee of the China Artists Association and the Director of the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Education Background
BFA Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute/ MFA Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute /
Ph.D China Central Academy of Fine Art

Selected Exhibitions
2020.11 The Image of Clay - Lu Pinchang’s Sculpture Creations over the Past Thirty Years, Touring Exhibition, Taoxichuan Art Museum, Jingdezhen, China
2020.10 The Image of Clay - Lu Pinchang’s Sculpture Creations over the Past Thirty Years, Solo Exhibition, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China
2019.9 “Jade” The 14th Curitiba International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Curitiba, Brazil
2019.9 “Tied Body” in the Human and Nature: Zhengzhou International Sculpture Exhibition, Zhengzhou, China
2018.11 “Space Plan” Sydney Coast Sculpture Exhibition, Sydney, Australia
2016 Driving Ambition, China Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition, Quito Cultural Center, Ecuador
2016 Co-Existence and Common Prosperity: China Sculpture Invitational Exhibition, Art Gallery of China National Academy of Painting, Beijing, China
2016 Inference & Derivation, China Contemporary Ceramic Academic Invitational Exhibition, Taoxichuan Art Museum of CAFA, Jingdezhen, China
2015 The New Form,2015 Taiyuan International Sculpture Biennale, Taiyuan Art Museum, Taiyuan, China
2014 The 12th National Art Exhibition, Taiyuan Art Museum, Taiyuan, China
2014 China and Norway, Beyond Glaze, Oslo, Norway
2013 Extension, 2013 Datong International Sculpture Biennale, Heyang Art Museum, Datong, China
2013 Cheongju International Art Biennale, Cheongju, South Korea
2012 Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Tour Exhibition, The Louvre, Paris, France
2012 Paper Not Paper - Chinese and Japanese Paper Art in the First Round, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China
2011-2012 From The Dragon's Fire,Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art Touring Exhibitions in USA
2011 Datong International Sculpture Biennale, Heyang Art Museum, Datong, China
2010 New China City Sculpture Construction Achievement Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2007 The Oriental - China and South Korea Contemporary Art Exhibition, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, China
2006 Busan South Korea International Sculpture Biennale, Busan, South Korea
2005 One Hundred Years Sculptures - Chinese Sculpture Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China
2003 The Open Times - Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Beijing, China
2003 Beijing International Art Biennale: Works Exhibition of the Teachers from Ten Universities and Colleges of Art, Beijing, China
2002 Archie Bray Foundation Annual Exhibition, USA

Selected Publications
Master’s Way – Lu Pinchang’s Sculpture Art, Hebei Fine Arts Press,2020
The Image of Clay - Lu Pinchang’s Sculpture Creations over the Past Thirty Year, Hunan Fine Arts Press,2020
Sculpture Volume of New China Fine Arts Research Series - Seventy Years of Glory, Hebei Fine Arts Press, 2019
The Academic Papers’ Album of Sculpture, China National Photography Art Press, 2018
Ceramic Art ? China, Beijing Arts and Crafts Publishing House, 2015
Ceramic Art ? Contemporary Sculpture, Culture and Art Publishing House, 2011
Ceramic, Basic Teaching Materials of Department of Sculpture, CAFA, Hebei Education Press, 2007
World Relief Art, Album, Jiangxi Fine Arts Press, 2002
Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art, Album, Jilin Fine Arts Press, 1998
Western Modern Sculptures, Album, Jiangxi Fine Arts Press, 1996

Curatorial Works
1996-1998 "International Touring Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Ceramic Art" commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of China
2008 "Text and objects-Mainland Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition
Taiwan Exhibition" commissioned by the National Art Museum of China at the Yingge Ceramics Museum in Taiwan
2015 Chief Curator of the "3rd International Sculpture Biennale" sponsored by China Artists Association.
2015 "New Pottery- Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition”
2016 “Inference & Derivation: Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition” sponsored by CAFA at Taoxichuan Art Museum
2016 “Driving Ambition: Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition” at Quito Catholic University Cultural Center, Quito, Ecuador
2018 Chief Curator of “An Overview of Decade— The National Exhibition Tour of ‘Zeng Zhushao Sculpture Fellowship’ Award-Winning Works”

Professional Working Experiences/Juried Exhibitions And Competitions
2021 Jury member of KICB Korean International Ceramic Biennale
2015 Jury member of the “12th National Art Exhibition Sculpture Exhibition” sponsored by China Artists Association.
2015 Jury member of the “4th Gyeonggi International Ceramic Art Biennale” in South Korea
2011 Jury member of the “11th National Art Exhibition Ceramic Art Exhibition" sponsored by China Artists Association, facilitating the first exhibition of ceramic art as an independent art category in the framework of the National Art Exhibition
2012 Jury member of the "1st National Ceramic Art Biennale" in Costa Rica

2013 Awarded the “Outstanding Contribution Prize of Chinese Ceramic Art Education and Development” by China Ceramic Association
2009 Awarded the “New China 60 Years City Sculpture Construction Achievement Award” by the Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Culture
2008 Awarded the Arts and Humanities 30 Years Excellent Award by CAFA
2006 Selected to the “New Century Excellent Talents Plan” by the Ministry of Education
2003 Awarded the Academic Excellence Prize by Beijing International Art Biennale
1999 “Relics” was awarded the Silver Prize by “Chinese Art Exhibition”, the Ministry of Culture, China Artists Association
1993 Awarded Gold Prize by “The Third National Sports and Arts Exhibition”, National Sports Commission, China Artists Association
1993 “A-fu’s Family” was awarded “National Outstanding Teacher Award” by the State Education Commission
1992 Awarded the special government allowance by the State Council

Works collected by:
the National Museum of China, the National Art Museum of China, China Central Television Station, China Military Museum, Shanghai Museum, Guangdong Museum of Art, Chinese Sculpture Museum, China Sports Museum, the Archie Bray Foundation in USA, West Virginia University,the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, the University of Costa Rica, and other art institutions and individual collectors at home and abroad.